Federal Pre-Budget Submission 2024–25

In our pre-budget submission for the Australian Government’s 2024–25 Budget, Yfoundations makes several recommendations to work towards our vision of ending child and youth homelessness:

  • Funding the design and delivery of a national standalone child and youth housing and homelessness plan
  • Recognising and funding responses for children and young people experiencing domestic, family and sexual violence on their own
  • Funding the Equal Remuneration Order
  • Applying sufficient indexation to ensure funding keeps pace with the real costs of homelessness service delivery
  • Raising Youth Allowance and Job Seeker payments to $88 a day (being the Henderson poverty line)
  • Increasing public, community and affordable housing stock and quarantining stock for young people
  • Intervening in the private rental market through emergency measures such as a rent freeze or rent caps
  • Ending unfair tax breaks that disproportionately benefit older people and drive-up housing prices


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